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Our Masks

100% cotton masks available in Adult and Kids sizes with elastic ear straps or a leather adjustable ear strap.
Adult size: doubled sided 6x9 inches
Kid size: doubled sided 5x7 inches
Adult with elastic: $7.50 per mask
Adult adjustable: $10.00 per mask
Kid with elastic: $5.00 per mask
Kid adjustable: $7.50 per mask

Every mask is machine washable and can be machine dried.
(preferably hung dried)
Multiple fabric patterns available, see our Shop page for styles!
For custom or bulk orders greater than 10, please use the form at the bottom of this page or call us. If using the form, please be specific on pattern type, quantity, size, elastic and/or adjustable, as well as a shipping address and we will get back to you as soon as possible!!
Orders will typically take 3 days to fulfill with exceptions to larger orders (+50)
Free shipping with orders over $50.
Store pickup available as well.
Special donation prices available $5 per mask. When you place your order separate the number of masks you would like to donate and to where you would like them to go. At this time please only send donations to hospitals and healthcare facilities!!

We Love Custom Orders
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